
Publisher of the site

The website is the official website of the Nephrology Unit of New Caledonia (U2nc).


5 rue du contre-amiral Joseph du Bouzet

BP 8267 – 98807 Nouméa Cedex

Phone : (+687) 26 68 25


Person in charge of publication and writing :

Jean-Michel Tivollier and Jean-François Cantin, managers of U2nc. 


Photo and video credits:

unless otherwise stated, the photos are the property of U2nc.



Realization of website :

Writing and illustrations : VKP Communication SARL
E-mail :
Site web :

Technical realization : Ylang Ylang Communication
Phone : +687 76 41 11
Site web :


Hosting :

The site is hosted by
28, rue Félix Broche – Magenta

B.P. 13885 – 98803 Nouméa Cedex


This site is the exclusive property of U2nc and is protected by copyright legislation (intellectual property code). All rights of reproduction or representation are reserved. Any reproduction or partial or total representation of the information contained in the site, on any medium whatsoever, is prohibited without the prior authorization of U2nc. The extraction of the contents of the databases of the site is prohibited. Any violation of this rule entails the application of the sanctions provided for in the title « right of the producer of databases » of the Intellectual Property Code.

The trademarks and logo of U2nc and its partners on the site may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of U2nc. 


Site content and responsibilities  

Despite the care taken by U2nc in the creation of the site, the contents and electronic documents may contain errors or be obsolete. The texts distributed may, moreover, have been updated between the time you downloaded them and the time you read them. U2nc cannot incur any liability for errors, omissions, or for the results that may be obtained from the use of this information. The information contained in the site is disseminated for informational purposes and is not contractual. In addition, U2nc could not be held responsible for technical errors (mis display, non-downloadable document, cut or any other event beyond its control).

If you notice any errors on the site, do not hesitate to let us know via the contact form.


Hypertext Links

The hypertext links present on the site can not engage the responsibility of U2nc because of the content of the third-party sites to which they lead.


Haking and viruses

U2nc cannot be held liable in the event of malfunctions or damage to the visitor’s computer system resulting from the hacking of its site or viruses transported without its knowledge or the knowledge of its technical partners.

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