Hemodialysis center
Unit under medical supervision (UDM)
Proximity hemodialysis unit (UHP)
Internal pharmacy (PUI)
Atir UDM/UHP operated by U2nc
Hemodialysis center
Unit under medical supervision (UDM)
Unit for peritoneal dialysis (UDP)
Proximity hemodialysis unit (UHP)
The U2nc dialysis centre, located in the Kuindo-Magnin clinic in Nouville, takes care of patients with significant health problems and who need close medical supervision.
U2nc operates three dialysis units under medical supervision (UDM):
-one in Noumea, capital of the country in the Médisud Center, on the road to Anse-Vata;
-one in La Foa (Southern province);
-the third one in Koné (Northern Province), in the Northern Hospital (CHN). U2nc operates this latter unit on behalf of Atir.
Our three UDMs are also proximity hemodialysis units (UHP) and therefore treat patients with milder needs. U2nc has a fourth UHP in Bourail (in the Southern Province).
The Kuindo-Magnin clinic
Dialysis center
5 rue du Contre-amiral Joseph du Bouzet
Nouville – Nouméa
Proximity hemodialysis
+ under medical supervision unit
3 rue du Tabou
Hemodialysis unit Antoine Hugeaud
56 Impasse Nasser
La Foa
Proximity hemodialysis unit
+ under medical supersivion
593 rue Edouard Mediara,
Haut du village
Proximity hemodialysis unit
+under medical supervivions
Northern hospital
Paiamboué, Avenue Jimmy Welepane