History and mission

U2nc is the only private dialysis operator in New Caledonia. Since 1988, we have been providing monitoring and treatment of chronic kidney failure with the approval of the health authorities. To this end, we operate hemodialysis units located in the north and south of the country.


U2nc work in cooperation with two partners i.e., the public hospital Centre hospitalier territorial Gaston Bourret (CHT, Médipôle) – and an association called Atir.

We have gradually extended our care on the New Caledonian territory


U2nc was incorporated in 1988 under the impetus of Dr. JeanCharles Freund, among others. Then called UNH (for Nephrology and Hemodialysis Unit), it became U2nc New Caledonias Nephrology Unit in January 2018.


Our company first performed hemodialysis in Nouméa, at the Baie des Citrons clinic and in the city center, rue Jules Ferry. To provide our care to as many patients suffering from kidney failure as possible, we then opened local hemodialysis (UHP) units in other municipalities in the Southern Province of New Caledonia:

in 1991 in Bourail;
in 2006 in La Foa.

20142024: ten years of growth for the benefit of patients


In 2014, UNH changed management. The new directors (who are nephrologists) decided to modernize the dialysis company and increase its capacity.


In this context, 2018 marks a major milestone:


the company was renamed U2nc in January;

it transferred its medical units in Nouméa to the ultramodern medical centre of Médisud, in AnseVata (in August) and to the new Kuindo-Magnin clinic, in Nouville (in October);

it extended its territorial network by settling in Koné, the capital of the Northern Province of New Caledonia. There, U2nc operates a unit both UHP and medical dialysis unit, UDM belonging to Atir.


In November 2023, in La Foa, U2nc also moved to a new, modern and ecoresponsible unit. This construction offers a high level of comfort to patients residing in the bush.

A great contribution to nephrology in New Caledonia


Over the decade, U2nc has contributed to the development of a kidney disease management network in New Caledonia. Thus, it has gradually extended its activity from the prevention of the disease to full hospitalization, integrating all dialysis techniques: hémodialysis (including hemodiafiltration) and peritoneal dialysis.

In cooperation with the public hospital (CHT), we also support patients who can benefit from it towards kidney transplantation.


As of January 1, 2025, U2nc is caring for more than 300 patients in its 5 dialysis units.


We also welcome patients treated by other dialysis operators in New Caledonia in clinical and technical withdrawals, to ensure continuity of care.

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